low speed diesel中文什么意思

发音:   用"low speed diesel"造句
  • low:    vi.,vt. (牛)哞哞地叫;哞哞 ...
  • speed:    n. 1.快,迅速。 2.速率,速度 ...
  • diesel:    n. 1.〔d-〕 = Diesel ...
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  1. The purpose of the paper is to carry out the simulated working process calculation of the two stroke low speed diesel engine by applying the developed calculating program
  2. To reduce the mechanistic load and thermal load of rta52l " type marine low speed diesel engines , the paper also discuss about the chosen , optimize and energy saving regarding compress ratio , the maximum combustion compress and other main parameters
  3. Rta52u type two stroke low speed marine diesel engine is developed from the basis of its mother model engine by applying current the lastest technology in ameliorating , advancing and strengthening method . and it is the one of the most advanced marine low speed diesel engines
  4. The control algorithms of both traditional and intelligent main - engine speed regulator are emphatically discussed in the thesis . the author established an simplified integrated mathematical model for marine main diesel engine , screw propeller and axis series with the mother type of large low speed diesel man b & w . the digital simulations for pi speed regulator are completed
    本文讨论了主机速度控制的两种实现方法;论文以实船应用的manb & w大型低速柴油机为母型,建立了柴油主机、螺旋桨、轴系一体化的简化数学模型,并对常规柴油主机pi调速系统进行了数字仿真。


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  6. low speed diesel engine 什么意思
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